"Your only as good as your last project."

Los Angeles: 626.324.4652 Cleveland: 216.352.3330

Wayne Henry Design

Wayne Dailey Art Director Los Angeles Times Events
 Topper  Day of event marketing collateral tool that allows a sponsors and exhibitors to reach millions of readers
Website An intrical part of the months long pre-event campaign that allows sponsors and exhibitors to reach millions of readers daily
Save-the date Pre-event collateral insert used within the daily circulation of 1.4 million subscribers
Venue Banner  Pre-event freeway welcome banner at the University of Southern California
Directional Signage At the event key directional signage was used to easily navigate the large USC campus
Special Section Day of the event insert and handed out at the event to attendees

Event Bags  Day of the event hand out 
to attendees

Volunteer Shirts  Day of event volunteers needed to be identifiable to ensure sponsors, exhibitors and attendees would have a smooth experience 

Venue Welcome  Day of the event welcome 
banner to the USC campus

Center Stage  For entertainment, speakers and interviews
Presenting Sponsor Tent Where attendees would experience products, services and FREE giveaways
Kids Stage  Entertainment and programming
Cooking Stage Presenting the great chefs of Los Angeles
Fitness Stage The fitness instruction and attendee participation

©2022 Wayne Henry Design

Wayne Henry Design